Kamis, 14 November 2013
It's the second series of Hunger Games movie. It's more startling than the first series. I like this movie! So,check it out! 

iPad AIR Diklaim Jadi Perangkat Paling Bertenaga

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013
Apple resmi meluncurkan iPad Mini 2 dan iPad Air, Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013. Salah satu produknya, iPad Air, diklaim sebagai produk paling bertenaga di antara varian iPad yang sebelumnya diproduksi.

iPad Air dijalankan oleh chipset A7, seperti yang digunakan pada iPhone 5S. Chipset tersebut bekerja 72 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan iPad generasi pertama. 

Selain mengandalkan tenaga dan kecepatan, produk ini sangat minimalis. Bobotnya hanya 0,45 kilogram dengan ukuran layar 9,7 inci. Adapun layarnya mengandalkan teknologi Retina Display untuk menunjang ketajaman warna. iPad Air dipasarkan mulai 1 November 2013, dengan harga per unit US$ 499 atau Rp 5,3 juta. 

"Sejak awal, fokus kami adalah membangun komputer personal terbaik di dunia," ujar Chief Executive Officer Apple, Tim Cook, saat peluncuran di San Francisco, Amerika Serikat.

Dia melanjutkan, perusahaannya memiliki arah yang jelas serta tujuan yang ambisius. "Apple memiliki komputer desktop dan notebook yang luar biasa," katanya. 

Cook menyatakan rasa percaya dirinya bahwa Apple berhasil unggul di industri teknologi dan akan selalu membuat inovasi. "Kami sudah bekerja keras untuk Mac," ucapnya. 

Perusahaan yang berbasis di San Francisco ini sudah menjual 14,6 juta unit iPad hingga pertengahan tahun. Angka itu turun 14 persen dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Turunnya penjualan diperkirakan akibat dari munculnya tablet berbasis Android dengan harga lebih terjangkau.

Kepala Analis Telekomunikasi lembaga Ovum, Jan Dawson, menyebutkan Apple tampaknya tidak berencana untuk menyaingi kompetitornya dengan memasarkan iPad yang harganya lebih murah. "Sangat jelas bahwa Apple hanya tertarik bersaing dengan penyedia produk premium," katanya. Dia melanjutkan, jika ini terus dilakukan, lambat laun pangsa pasar Apple akan menurun.

Rescue Cat On The Tree

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013
One day, Stephen got a cat from his girlfriend. His girlfiend's name was Karin. He named his cat Bobby. Bobby was a gift from Karin for Stephen. Why Karin gave Stephen a cat? First because Stephen liked cat alot , and second because Stephen got birthday at that day. So, Karin gave him a cat. Stephen really loved his cat.

So , last sunday afternoon Stephen met Johnny on the way to the graveyard. Then, Stephen asked Johnny to followed him to the graveyard. Stephen forgot if he picked his cat with him. After arrived at the graveyard , they saw a cat on the tree. That made Stephen remembered about his cat. They saw the cat closer , and Stephen said if that was his cat. Johnny gave his hands to help Stephen.

Stephen climbed the tree and rescued his cat. Johnny got the cat from Stephen and put it down. But,Stephen can't go down. He thought he can jump from the tree but it was too high, if he still wanted to jump maybe he will fell down. Actually not will but exactly he will fell down at that time. Johnny thought how can Stephen go down if there wasn't anything that can help him go down. Then, he inspired by the fence of the graveyard ,because the fence looked like a ladder. So, he thought if he took a ladder and put it near Stephen, he can go down. 

Johnny ran away from the graveyard and borrowed a ladder from his neighbour. He found it and already borrowed it. He took the ladder to Stephen and put it near him. Stephen was afraid,because the ladder looked already old. Finally,he can go down and he already rescued his cat. And Karin was laugh, she hide near a big tree and saw that. Stephen was  so shy when he knew Karin saw that. Karin was so proud to Stephen. And then, Johnny,Stephen,and Karin went home together. :D

The End~